
This blog has been created to help present information that is related to my independent research project for the Yogaview level 2 teacher training. The subject I chose is Mulabandha: thus the blog name, “mulabloga”.

If you don’t know what mulabandha is, don’t sweat it. I wonder if most yogis who use this word or think about it know what they are talking and thinking about. And I don’t claim to know exactly what it is either, but this blog exists as a map of my quest for the great mulabandha!

I want to develop a better understanding of this subject because I believe that it has the potential to take me deeper into my yoga practice, and possibly my radiant center (more on this later…).

When I first fell in love with yoga, I was practicing in Ashtanga yoga classes, including Mysore style. And even though my practice has traveled to include other styles of yoga, like Iyengar yoga, I have found myself thinking and feeling like I’ve missed something when it comes to the topic of mulabandha.

So I hope to gain some understanding, and share it with you.

Welcome to my blog.

2 Responses to About

  1. emmainbxl says:

    Yeah! can’t wait to read what you have to share, I feel my knowledge and feelings on this particular subject is definitely superficial. Love that you dedicate a whole new blog to this project 🙂
    Enjoy the ride!

  2. Pingback: Radiance replaces boundaries. | mulabloga

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